by aeroindustry | Dec 15, 2022 | Events, Tools
Le GAIN a été créé en 2017 sous l’impulsion de quatre entreprises genevoises et de l’État de Genève. Il est hébergé depuis au sein de l’Office de Promotion des Industries et des Technologies (OPI). L’organisation accueille...
by aeroindustry | Nov 15, 2022 | News, News, News, News
Quality Control S.A., was founded in 1982 to promote quality and security. Independent of constructors, QC makes its decision according to its technical knowledge only, without any external influence. The experienced employees of Quality Control are used to work...
by aeroindustry | Oct 8, 2022 | News, Portraits, Portraits
DABS is a major European component of Dassault Aviation’s worldwide service organization. Previously named TAG Maintenance Services, the MRO provider was acquired by Dassault Aviation from TAG Aviation in 2019. Today, the 500 professionals of DABS are focused as...
by aeroindustry | Jun 29, 2022 | Events, Tools
GAIN has published its annual report for 2021. It includes the highlights of the year, news about the members, research and training overviews as well as financial and organisational facts. Some of the highlights of the year 2021 include: ▪️ February: Launch of...
by aeroindustry | May 24, 2022 | Portraits
Pie Aeronefs is a Swiss all-electric aircraft manufacturer. Its goal is to market lightweight and zero carbon emitting aircraft by 2026. Through distributed electric propulsion, Pie Aeronefs’ airplanes shall equal or surpass the performance of standard piston...